Sunday, April 30, 2017

Two Concepts (Final)


Carlo Scarpa


1.Complexity meets simplicity
2.Be honest with your material use
3.The space between is more important
4.Integration of the old and new creates harmony

5.Monolithic architecture becomes refined in the detail

Vo Trong Nghia

Tradition brings warmth to contemporary architecture
Architecture mimics natural elements and cultural values
Architecture is a response to the qualities and characteristics of natural materials
The distance between nature and architecture can change people’s experience
Dissolve the distinction between the interior and exterior

Chosen Architectural Concepts

Concept 1- Relating to the Light Rail Stop 

"The space between is more important"

Theme: The Multicultural students and staff that study and work at UNSW

Reflecting on Carlo Scarpa's architecture and ideas, my work explores the importance of space. Understanding that in the end the space that is created from the architecture is the most important, as that is what us people interact with. 

Concept 2- Relating to the Urban Context

"Architecture is a response to the qualities and characteristics of natural materials"

Theme: Sustainability

Reiterating Vo Trong Nghia's notions of architecture serving the purpose of conveying the sublimeness of natural materials to the people who use the architecture/ space, my work reflects such idea by integrating natural materials where possible. 

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